Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Law of Attraction

Have you seen the film 'The Secret' last Saturday on Channel 9? If yes, I'm sure you have been inspired by the content of the film, thinking it might be good to see it again and again. And for those of you who haven't seen it - you can purchase a DVD on the net. It's well worth it, as you will discover the benefit of watching it more than once.

Today I would like to share a few secrets with you: What's the content of your thoughts? Start by taking a moment to yourself and think about all thoughts you had in the past 15 minutes. Are they predominantly positive or negative? Let's find out what happens next.

Anything we focus on we create. So if we're really angry, for instance, at a a war that's going on, we're adding more energy to it.

What you resist, persists.

Carl Jung

Resistance to anything is like trying to change the outside pictures after they have been transmitted. It's a futile pursuit. You have to go within and emit a new signal with your thoughts and feeling to create the new pictures.

Mother Teresa said: "I will never attend an anti-war rally. If you have a peace rally, invite me." Look at what she manifested in the world!

So if you feel resistance, ask yourself: What is it that I really want to focus my attention and thoughts on? Write down 5 things (in a positive statement) and stick a note next to your desk. For the next 30 days read, feel, imagine them every day. Put yourself into a high emotional state and imagine yourself already having achieved the result. I promise you find yourself to be the creator of your destiny!

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