Monday, May 28, 2007

Speaking the Truth

'Live your life at the campfire' says Brandon Bays (The Journey), meaning that we do not need to wait years to deal with issues but rather deal with them right here in the now. Whenever you are ready to let go of stored emotions, empty out all the past pain and come to a place where complete forgiveness is possible -- let it happen! Your life will provide you with enough opportunities to learn, understand, and let go - WHEN you do each step is your choice.

How do you ‘Speak the Truth’?

In relation to people we always have situations happen that leave emotional scaring. As soon as this is realized it is time to deal with it: If it is appropriate going back to the person and emptying out and speaking about what is really here is one solution. You will find that sentences that use the model of owning your feelings (‘I feel … because …’) bring far more resolution than the blaming statements (‘you make me feel …’ and ‘it’s all your fault…’).

The other solution is creating a campfire in your imagination. Invite the people involved in the situation and imagine a conversation taking place between them. Once everything has been said and there is a sense of completeness you are ready to ask for and offer forgiveness.

What’s the benefit of ‘Speaking the Truth’?

Speaking the Truth allows you to travel light. The process of clearing blocks, unloading baggage and letting go of resentment or hurt allows you to be open and present in the NOW. How often do you spend your time thinking about what happened, what you should have or could have said or trying to find someone to blame? What would you do with this valuable time if you did not know how to hold onto those issues and where able to deal with them in a constructive way?

Heaven is not a place out there
It is an inner state of presence
Awareness of NOW
So there is nowhere to get to
Nowhere to arrive
You are home – Welcome home.

Click here to view this article on ezine: Speaking the truth

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